How Long Does Heroin Withdrawal Last?
Firstly, everyone detoxifies from drugs at a different rate. Because of that, there’s no universal timeline for how long is heroin withdrawal. However, there’s an average timeline that gives people a rough estimate of what to expect.
For heroin, the withdrawal symptoms typically come on fast and strong. With most other drugs, people don’t experience symptoms until 24 hours after their last dose. With heroin, they generally feel the symptoms within six to 12 hours. For that reason, it’s essential to find a heroin detox and withdrawal management program as quickly as possible.
However, these early withdrawal symptoms aren’t the worst of it. They don’t generally peak until 24 to 78 hours after people stop using heroin. Before that, it’s vital for them to enroll in a detox treatment program. Without professional help, they’re likely to relapse.
While the worst part is over after the 78-hour mark, withdrawal doesn’t just stop. People can continue to experience symptoms for five to seven days. After detox, the next step is to enroll in an inpatient heroin addiction treatment program. Only a rehab program can help them uncover the root cause of their addiction so that they can fully recover.
Can Withdrawal Symptoms Last for Longer Than a Week?
In most cases, people don’t experience withdrawal symptoms beyond a week. Regarding how long does heroin withdrawal last, though, it’s essential to cover post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). It takes everything that people know about the withdrawal timeline and throws it out the window.
How long is heroin withdrawal? If people experience PAWS, they might suffer from symptoms for weeks or months. While PAWS doesn’t happen to everyone, it’s helpful to know that it’s a possibility.
What Kind of Withdrawal Symptoms Does Heroin Cause?
Since people withdrawal from heroin differently, there are no set symptoms that everyone experiences. However, some are more likely to occur than others. One of the most common is changes in mood and behavior. As they start to withdrawal from heroin, they’re quick to anger and prone to depression.
Likewise, most people experience some level of insomnia while they detox from heroin. At the same time, they also experience cravings for the drug. These cravings are strong enough to keep them awake at night.
However, people are likely to experience physical symptoms, as well. Aches and pains occur in the muscles as the body detoxifies from heroin. Keep in mind that none of these symptoms are life-threatening. However, they’re annoying and painful enough that many people start using heroin again just to make them stop.
People can take certain medications while detoxing to make these symptoms less painful. A medical detox center can explain these medications and determine who is a good candidate.
Detox Programs in San Antonio Can Help
How long does heroin withdrawal last? You don’t have to figure out the answer alone. In fact, you can seek help from a heroin detox program San Antonio has. Such a facility provides many unique programs and services that you won’t find at all other facilities, including:
- Medical detox
- Medication-assisted detox
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Group and individual therapy
- Treatment planning
Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from getting detox treatment for heroin addiction. Find out more about how long does heroin withdrawal last. Reach out to a detox center in San Antonio today.